Since the start on the PS3 Revolution, PSN Players have been going on and on at Sony asking for new avatars. People have even been creating them!

Well good news for every single one of you. In a recent PSW Magazine it stated "new psn avatars are on the way" so everyone get ready because they are coming. Probably within the next month its been said, but no date has been confirmed. Withing the last 2 weeks there has been 1 new avatar added. A 'Super Fly'.
PSW believes that there will be a new InFamous, Sackboy (more than 1), Prototype and Wolverine Avatars all available before the Summer.
We believe there will also be 2 new Uncharted 2 Avatars & also 1 new avatar from the Sony's Killzone 2.
Note: This information was all published in PSW Magazine & Not on the website.