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    Friday, 3 April 2009

    SAW: The Video Game New Screens

    Some new SAW: The Video Game Screenshots have been released

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    Operation FLashpoint 2 New Screens

    Some brand new Flashpoint 2 Screenshots have emerged, take a look!

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    YouTube uploading coming to LittleBigPlanet.

    Sony has officially launched the LittleBigPlanet YouTube page for both the US and the UK. The YouTube page will be regularly updated with a favorites section, featured users, tutorials from Media Molecule, cultural collaborations, challenges, event promotions and game footage.
    The UK page has a contest going on right now called “Around The World In 80 Sackboys”. In order to enter, simply create a level based on any geographic location. Users will vote and the winner, chosen by Media Molecule, will win a pair of tickets for a trip around the globe, 14 nights in various hotels, and £1000 for spending.
    Hopefully all of this points to YouTube uploading coming your way via a certain cheese-flavored patch. YouTube uploading has been a huge success, even with only a few titles actually supporting it. The very first title to support this feature was none other than PixelJunk Eden. So what do you guys think?